Informative Articles:
Right Way of Checking Compactability (For Green Sand)
Right Way to Check Compactability In this article, we shall try to understand "How" to correctly check compactability so that, results are accurate. We shall also look at some aspects of equipment maintenance and also [...]
Grain Fineness redefined
Calculating grain fineness so far is an exercise which, requires a serious amount of precaution and a skilled person to conduct the test. Check out the video how we have redefined calculating Grain fineness number [...]
AFS Sieve Grades- What is that?!
From the vast amount of choices that the user has to make to choose the right Sieve for application, I shall try to give you a rough chart of sieve selection. The most important of [...]
Moisture measurement, Instant and accurate!
Measuring moisture in the lab is one of the most critical things in control of a sand plant and ultimately quality of sand which in turns affects the quality of casting. Well here is [...]
Sieve Grades : Compliance, Inspection & Calibration & What they mean…
A Lab technician faces a challenge while choosing the Right Sieve for his Sieving application from the vast amount of choices he has. I shall try to give you a rough chart of sieve [...]
5 Things to remember while Choosing the Right supplier for Test Sieves
It is very rare for a user to verify accuracy and precision of a test Sieve once it is bought from a Supplier. Almost every supplier provides a verification certificate with the Sieve. Still in [...]
Training Videos:
Manual Permeability testing Demo
Sample Preparation with Sand Rammer
Deep Pocket Mould Hardness Tester Demo
Hot Distortion tester Demo
Filling Oil in Hydraulic Universal Sand Strength testing equipment
Permeability testing: Digital
Green Compression and Shear Strength testing
Core Gas Evolution and LOI testing
On Field: Permeability testing
3D Sifter i.e. Sieve Shaker Demo
Foundry Sand Moisture testing
On Field: Green Compression strength testing
Digital Instant Moisture teller